Amanda 5K Run for Hunger

Amanda, OH

The 3rd Annual Run for Hunger is a fund raising event planned by Mid West Fabricating to raise money for the Amanda Food Pantry. ALL money is presented to the Food Pantry to support the needs of our communities. The course is run through the Village of Amanda on a fast, flat course. We have awards for age-categories and great door prizes.

The Food Pantry performs very important work for the Village of Amanda and the surrounding community.  In 2014, the Amanda Food Pantry provided food for over 1,000 people in the community.  The Pantry is run by volunteers with 100% donated food.  With a large community of seniors, the Amanda Pantry serve around 200 seniors last year.  

Mark your calendars for September 12th for the 3rd Annual 5k Run/Walk for Hunger.  100% of the proceeds will be given to the Amanda Food Pantry in support of their tremendous work.  

You or your company can assist in any of the following ways: 
•Enter the event as a team or individually 
•Donate items or coupons for our gift bags and/or awards.
•Volunteer your time 
•Donations of goods or services – this would include but would not be limited to post race snacks, water, door prizes, coupons, etc.
•Write a check to offset the race supplies:  Water, snacks, signage, numbers, etc.

The more donations we can get, the more money we can raise to give to the Amanda Food Pantry.

Our goal is to have 200 participants on the day of the event.

If you would like more information concerning the 5K Run/Walk for Hunger or how to get involved in this event, please contact Mardi Fraley or Dave Gallimore at (740) 969-4411.  This number is the main number for Mid West Fabricating but you can easily be connected to Mardi or Dave.

Hope to see you with your running/walking shoes on September 13th!!

Thank You!
5K Run/Walk for Hunger Committee

When & Where

Sep 12, 2015


8:00 AM

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Amanda, OH

Mid West Fabricating

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